Meet the G-PACT team

Happy Awareness Month! To begin the month, we’d like to formally introduce you to some of our core team members here at G-PACT. Our team is made up of volunteers, most of whom are patients themselves. We work pretty hard behind the scenes, so we’re putting the spotlight on those who help keep us upContinueContinue reading “Meet the G-PACT team”

Beyond My Chronic Conditions

Today is G-PACTs 17th Birthday! Over seventeen years, one idea has turned into something so much more. G-PACT founder, and president Carissa shares a piece of her story, and who she is beyond her chronic conditions. You can hear more about Carissa and her story on our birthday Facebook video. Those who don’t know Carissa, she’sContinueContinue reading “Beyond My Chronic Conditions”

The Gastroparesis Pie Face Challenge

As you’ve been following along during awareness month, it’s likely you’ve been hearing about pies. What’s with the pies? Below Andrew Belliveau writes about the Pie Face Challenge, and how it came to be! (Originally shared on The Mighty Site.) Walt Disney once said, “I only hope that we don’t lose sight of one thing: thatContinueContinue reading “The Gastroparesis Pie Face Challenge”

13 Reasons Why I Keep Fighting

Sometimes, when chronic illness gets to be too much, it’s easy to forget why we keep fighting. Today, blogger Stephanie Torres shares how she reminds herself to keep fighting, and why. If you have watched the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why or read the popular, yet controversial book by Jay Asher, you may quickly pickContinueContinue reading “13 Reasons Why I Keep Fighting”

Stomas and self-love

Gastroparesis can change our bodies in many ways. For some of us, that change can mean some form of a feeding tube. These changes can make us look at our bodies differently, and can also make us feel differently about our bodies. Pact Blog writer, Carolanne talks about her story with a feeding tube, and herContinueContinue reading “Stomas and self-love”

Keeping a food journal

When you’re first diagnosed with gastroparesis, it may take a while to figure out what foods you tolerate, and what foods you don’t. Without keeping track, it becomes difficult to remember what you ate and when, and what symptoms you had. Keeping track makes it easier to remember, and can be helpful when seeing yourContinueContinue reading “Keeping a food journal”

Being tired with Chronic Illness

Following the holidays, you may feel more exhausted than usual. On top of what you may deal with day to day with chronic illness, you may be experiencing more exhaustion than you’re used to. What does it mean when you say you’re tired? You know the tired you feel can’t simply be cured by a napContinueContinue reading “Being tired with Chronic Illness”

Holiday Hope

Happy Holidays Pact readers! As we’re closing in on the last few days of the holiday season, I felt it was important to remind you all of a few things. While the bulk of the shopping, wrapping, baking and decorating may be done, there’s still the actual holiday itself. Seeing friends and family enjoying aContinueContinue reading “Holiday Hope”

Getting Ready for the Holidays

The holiday season can be stressful. Read below how Samantha navigates through the holiday season! As wonderful as the holiday seasons are, the average person can feel more stress than usual. When you worry about your health, day to day life can go from manageable to impossible in the blink of an eye. Three thingsContinueContinue reading “Getting Ready for the Holidays”

What Keeps Me Going

Sometimes living with a chronic illness can feel like a constant struggle. Sarah reminds us to remember what we’re fighting for, and encourages us to continue to look for the joy in life. All of you with chronic illnesses can understand me when I say that sometimes, the struggle is very real. Chronic illness canContinueContinue reading “What Keeps Me Going”